Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I've misplaced my brain.

It is only three days into summer vacation, and I am wondering how many days are left.

My brain cells are being eaten by pms and a six year old. Heellllpppp meeeeeee.


anne said...

I have two words for you:

swimming lessons

anniemcq said...

I have him signed up, but they don't start for another month.

Donna said...

Oh my garsh, we are now one month into vacation, and after being bombarded with 3 to 5 coach-pitch or teeball games a week for that entire time, I can no longer function in any environment that does not feature Gatorade, Fun Dip and expectorated sunflower seed shells.

We have seven weeks and two days and 15 minutes left of vacation as of this writing . One more week of golf camp, then two weeks of swimming lessons, then a visit from the Mighty Hunter's father and stepmom, then a trip to Oklahoma for MH's grandma's birthday, and by then it will be August 7 and time to enroll! Oh yeah, gotta throw some fireworks in there too. School starts August 20.

Walmart has this awesome sprinkler toy--at least they did earlier in the summer. Looks like this one, but is orange and was a tad cheaper. JH would love the mechanics of the thing, water pressure and all.

anniemcq said...

Oh Donna. You are a hoot - would you write my blog for me? I no longer have any writing zip, and you just made me spit coffee through my nose!

I WISH we had that many activities lined up - especially softball. But those games don't start until next month, and the MANDATORY MEETING is happening when we are in LA seeing JH's K-T specialist doctors.

Thanks for the great laugh, AND the tip on the sprinkler toy. I'll definitely check it out.

ps - I love that you typed garsh.

Donna said...


It's really hard not to type "Mickey" after "garsh" for some reason too. ;0p

What kind of people have a MANDATORY meeting for 6-year-old ball??? As long as they get our money and our promise to man the sorry excuse for a concession stand (or more money so we DON'T have to work the stand) We are lucky if enough of our kids show up to play, but I guess it really doesn't matter because there are no real outs. Even if by some miracle the kids in the field see the ball coming, manage to pick it up and heave it in the general direction of first base, and if by some greater miracle the kid playing first base actually happens to look up from the bug in the dirt and SEE the ball coming, we might get something that would look almost like an out. But in the name of fairness and tantrum avoidance, they get to stay on first and continue running the bases, because we all know that the be-all-end-all of teeball is crossing home plate with either a two-footed stomp or the klutziest slide in history. My kid personally can hit the ball without the tee already, but in the field can nonetheless be reduced to tears standing in the 90 degree heat waiting patiently for some other 3-foot-tall munchkin to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hit the ball to that side of the field where he and the 6 other kids will all have an equal chance of watching the ball go through their legs. This is FUN, right? (Mommy and the Mighty Hunter were NOT disappointed when the rain rolled in 30 minutes before game time last night either.)

I have so considered blogging (right after I wrote that last comment, as a matter of fact!). But I am paranoid about being able to keep it anonymous in this small town of mine. Plus I hope to be starting a job with special services in our school district this fall and confidentiality is a big issue with that. I don't even want to take a chance on somebody getting ticked at me just yet. I keep trying to figure out how to keep it generic without including local references, but I am afraid it would take all the color and fun out it. I'm also not sure I want to share some of my opinions with the local population as that kind of ammo can get turned on you (and those you love) in a small town.

So can I just hijack your comment section now and then to release a little creative tension? :0)

Anonymous said...

Annie - come to Austin. We can leave Bailey and JH playing chess (if he doesn't know how to play, Bailey will teach him. He's a great teacher. Just as Franklin. If she ever got on the damn computer) and you and I can go out and discuss our liberal coup d'etat of the Bush administration over lunch at Whole Foods.

And Donna - I wouldn't worry about blogging and your future in education. Somehow I got away with it while I was employed in the public district, and look how much inflammatory crap I put in my blog. Although, to my credit, I never divulged anything remotely confidential related to my job.

anniemcq said...

Oh, I love you girls so. Donna, I know what you mean about the small town stuff, but I'm with Tracey. I don't post stuff like names, except for my family, and even then, no last names, so it I feel like I'm keepin' it okay.

And Tracey. I'm there. I'm soooo there.

Donna said...

Aaaaaagggghhhh. Cognitive dissonance!!!! I want to, I shouldn't, I want to, will it be OK, I don't know........

Maybe I will write some entries on Word without committing to a blog and if they are sufficiently clean for local consumption, well, who knows...

I, Rodius said...

Did you see Suburban Bliss's post on Alpha Mom? She's got a two-for-one bonus: the kid spends time outside making the stuff (play dough, sidewalk chalk, sidewalk paint, and bubble stuff) that he spends time outside playing with! Time spent twice over! And it's cheaper than buying it pre-made, which really appeals to me in my pathological cheapness. Summer will be gone before you know it.