Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reasons to be proud...

The boy had his first piano recital yesterday, and he was great. He had memorized his piece, and his teacher had asked him to play a duet with her for the last song - BINGO (everybody Sing ALOOOONNNNGGG!), and what impressed me most was when I asked if he was a little nervous, he said "Nope. Not even a little. I'm just going to do my best and have fun." Alright, Mr. Well-Balanced, could you loan me some of that?

Reason number two that I'm bursting my buttons is this: There is a reading program at his school, and if you've read 300 books by the end of the year, you get to attend an ice-cream party. He was sooo close, and thought that he had until Monday to finish his books, but they collected the reading envelopes today. When he told me, I said "Ohhh - I'm so sorry! You've worked so hard - are you disappointed?" He said - "No, Matthew read 300 books! I'm really happy for him!" (And this is where I said "just a minute" and ran to my closet to cry tears of happiness).

And the third reason I'm so proud is last night, when I was prodding him along to get in the tub, and he flipped his legs behind his head while laying on his bed and threatened to fart on me with his bare butt in the air, and I told him not to because while that would be a funny joke to a seven year old boy it would not be funny for his forty six year old mom, he actually listened to me.

That popping sound you hear is my buttons.


Amber said...

Oh,man.....I wish I was there to hear him play!!!!!!!So jealous:)And will you ask JH to sent some of his well-balancedness my way???

Love ya guys!!:)

suttonhoo said...

** beaming **

Zoe said...

Annie, I just want you to know, if Joe-Henry needs another aunt/cousin/girlfriend/hug-giver? I am so sending you my resume for the position.

anniemcq said...

Zoe, you're hired!